Sandy McGale
Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor
- Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor (Can Fit Pro)
- Certified Pilates Instructor (Power Pilates)
- Certified Aqua Fit Instructor (WaterArt)
- Certified Spin Instructor (Schwinn)
- Certified Zumba Instructor (Zumba)
- First Aid & CPR Certified
Sandy has 12+ years of experience in the fitness industry. She has taught Cardio Group Fitness, Strength Conditioning, Pilates, Spin, and Body Sculpt at Marathon and boot camps at recreational centres. Some of her personal training clients have climbed mountains, conquered cancer, completed marathons, and have become trainers themselves! Others have maintained lifestyle changes – all are winners. She’s taught Aqua Fit and Group Fitness for many years as an instructor for The One Health Club, Ontario Racquet Club, and the City of Toronto.
Her specialty is Functional Fitness Training, and Core; her passion – Group Strength Training! Her participants come to her classes with expectations of “Ready to Feel the Burn”.
Sandy’s thoughts on fitness comes from this quote – “Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.” Denis Diderot